An Introductory Tutorial into

3D Visualisation of Cultural Heritage


A Technology Transfer event in the frame of the FP7-REGPOT-2012-2013-1 Grant 316087 Project


Advanced Computing for Innovation


Golden Sands Resort, Varna, Bulgaria, September 10, 2014


This one day tutorial is designed to give delegates an introduction to the theory, process and practice of capturing and preparing digital models of cultural heritage artefacts and standing archaeology, and how these digital objects can be used to enrich the understanding of our past.


The day will be broken into two parts: theory and practice. The morning session will consist of a series of lectures designed to ground the delegates in the potential for digital cultural heritage, the challenges of undertaking such a task and the current trends in exploiting such digital resources. The second half of the day will include a number of practical sessions allowing delegates to get hands on experience with technologies available with an emphasis on low cost, ease of use and sustainability.



Drew Baker

Drew Baker is a research fellow within the Department of Digital Humanities at Kings College London. One of the founding members of the King's Visualisation Lab he has worked in the field of 3D visualisation and interpretation of archaeology and history since 1997. He has specialised in the area of 3D modelling specifically using interactive VRML and virtual world technologies.


His primary area of interest is in using 3D and advanced technology to bring cultural history from traditional passive media into interactive new media transforming the user into an active participant though exploration of virtual worlds and artefacts, the process of developing such environments and interactions and the long term preservation of digital cultural heritage.


Martin Blazeby is a core member of King's Visualisation Lab (KVL) located in the Department of Digital Humanities. His main area of research focuses on architectural and archaeological visualisations of heritage sites. Martin has assisted with excavations at the BSA in Greece and has conducted on site research at Pompeii. His 3D illustrations have been featured in numerous books, articles and online publications; he has also produced interactive museum exhibits in the UK and his visualisations have been displayed in exhibitions around the world and featured on television documentaries.


The Tutorial Schedule

9:00 - 9:30



9:30 - 10:15

Lecture: Digitising Cultural Heritage - An overview of the state of digital cultural heritage, its importance, use and potential



Lecture: Best Practice for 3D Digitisation - The London Charter for the Computer-based Visualisation of Cultural Heritage: initiative and other approaches


11:00 -11:30



11:30 - 12:15

Lecture: Making Spaces - An entry level introduction to multi dimensional theory (space, time and probability), interaction design and dissemination


12:15 – 13:00

Lecture: 3D Capture Techniques

  • An overview of the types of technologies available for 3D capture from laser scanning to low cost solutions.
  • Practicalities of scanning - material suitability, lighting, transparency issues
  • Preparing a 3D Capture campaign






Hands on workshop: Depth Map Sensor scanning and Handyscan



Hands on workshop: Photogrammetry








Lecture: Next Steps

  • Cleaning capture data
  • Documenting your capture
  • Bring your data into other 3D environments
  • Steps to preserve your data.



Event conclusions and close



·        For hands on workshops the delegates will use their own computers.

·     Photogrammetry requires a digital camera. The Autodesk's catch 123D software ( will be used so the delegates can use their own computers (or even iPhone/iPad) if they want to make their own models.

·        For Depth Map Sensor scanning workshop the Volumental software (  will be used